
2-Look OLL

The third step of the CFOP method is to orientate all the last layer pieces of the Rubik’s cube. This step is known as OLL (Orientation of the Last Layer). It consists of 57 algorithms, which sounds like a lot to memorise. Therefore, to make learning the OLL stage of the CFOP method so much easier, we can break this up into two key stages.

Stage 1 – Orientate the EDGES

Stage 2 – Orientate the CORNERS

This approach is called 2-look OLL, and it only requires you to learn 10 algorithms! There are three cases for orienting the edge pieces of the top layer and seven cases for orienting the corner pieces. It’s far more efficient to execute two short sequences of moves than to use a beginner’s method approach. I would highly recommend you learn these 10 easy algorithms before attempting to learn 57 algs.

Stage 1 - Orient the last layer EDGES:

Your cube will show one of these 3 possibilities for how the yellow edge pieces are oriented: Line / L-shape / Nothing


If your cube shows a straight line of oriented yellow edges, hold the cube so that the straight line is horizontal and perform the edge orientation algorithm:

F (R U R’ U’) F’


If your cube shows an L-shape, hold it with the L-shape on the back-left side of the cube to perform this algorithm:

F (U R U’ R’) F’


If your cube has zero yellow edge pieces facing on top, perform this algorithm:

R U2′ (R2′ F R F’) U2 (R’ F R F’)

Stage 2 - Orient the last layer CORNERS:

Your cube will show one of these 7 possibilities for how the yellow corner pieces are oriented: Sune / Antisune / H / Pi / U / T / L


If your cube has just one corner piece oriented on the left, with the other corner piece facing in front of you, perform this algorithm:

R U R’ U R U2′ R’


If your cube has just one corner piece oriented on the left, with the other corner piece facing away from you, perform this algorithm:

U’ L’ U’ L U’ L’ U2 L


If your cube has zero corner pieces orientated and symmetrical headlights on both the left and right sides of your Rubik’s cube, perform this algorithm:

(R U R’) (U R U’ R’) U (R U2′ R’)


If your cube has zero corner pieces oriented, and headlights on just one side of the puzzle. Hold them on the left to perform this algorithm:

R U2′ R2′ U’ R2 U’ R2′ U2′ R


If your cube has two pieces adjacently oriented with headlights on the other side, hold the solved part on the back, and perform this algorithm:

R2 D R’ U2 R D’ R’ U2 R’


If your cube has two pieces adjacently oriented with the unsolved corners facing opposite sides, hold the solved part on the right, and perform this algorithm:

(r U R’ U’) (r’ F R F’)


If your cube has two pieces diagonally oriented, position the cube with the unsolved corner on the front-left facing you, and perform this algorithm:

(F R’ F’ r) (U R U’ r’)

Congratulations on successfully learning two-look OLL on the Rubik’s Cube! Keep practising these 10 algorithms over and over again, until they reach your muscle memory. Try timing yourself at solving the Rubik’s cube while implementing the 2-look OLL strategy. With each attempt, your recognition will gradually speed up, and so will your times 🙂

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